Evidence Meets Innovation: The Crucial Role of Clinical Research in AI Development for Behavioral Health

There’s a troubling trend in behavioral health tech: the race to innovate often outpaces the evidence backing the tools being placed in provider hands — tools that ultimately impact client care.

That’s why any health care tech solution — especially emerging AI tools — should be firmly anchored in thorough and rigorous scientific study.

During this 1-hour webinar event moderated by Dennis Morrison, PhD, National Council Medical Director, Joe Parks, MD, will team up with Eleos Health Chief Clinical Officer, Shiri Sadeh-Sharvit, PhD, and Ashley Newton, CEO with Centerstone Research Institute to present the key scientific standards emerging technology vendors should uphold, including a demonstrated and unwavering commitment to:

  • Evidence-Backed Value Statements: A platform’s “proof points” must be underpinned by solid data and research — not merely good marketing.
  • Publication of Peer-Reviewed Research: The best health care tech companies commit to publishing their findings in esteemed, peer-reviewed scientific journals.
  • Clinician and Expert Involvement: Behavioral health providers and experts must be deeply involved in research and product development efforts for behavioral health technologies.
  • Continuous Improvement: Like science, technology products should never be static — they must evolve through cross-pollination and continual updates.

Attendees can expect to:

  • Identify the difference between value statements that are rooted in scientific evidence — and those that are not.
  • Discover best practices for integrating scientific research and clinical study throughout the product lifecycle.
  • Explore specific examples of Eleos Health’s research studies and findings — and how they fuel product development and enhancement efforts.