Overview of PPS Rate Setting and Cost Reporting

In this first session of the Prospective Payment System (PPS) Training and Technical Assistance webinar series, learn more about how cost reporting and PPS rate setting work in Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs). The PPS Rate-Setting and Cost Reporting session is designed for operational and programmatic staff at new and existing CCBHC Demonstration sites. Join the National Council for Mental Wellbeing on March 31 from 3-4 p.m. ET for this insightful session. Topics include:

  • Understanding CCBHC PPS payment regulations, rate options and other fundamentals.
  • Exploring allowable CCBHC costs.
  • Collaborating cross-departmentally to develop a CCBHC PPS rate.

Other sessions in the Prospective Payment System Series: