Workforce Solutions Jam: Understanding Interstate Licensure and Its Impact on the Behavioral Health Workforce

Unlocking Opportunities for Expanded Workforce Mobility and Enhanced Access to Care

Interstate licensure compacts can address long-standing as well as emerging challenges for the behavioral health workforce. They can expand access, address rural and regional gaps in care, open flexibility for providers and offer value in times of regional disaster and emergency response efforts. As provider shortages persist and the mental health crisis deepens, understanding these cross-state practice opportunities has become essential for the future of behavioral health care.

Join us for an in-depth exploration of the opportunities interstate compacts present for the behavioral health workforce expansion and mobility. Our expert panel will share frontline insights on implementation strategies, regulatory considerations and emerging opportunities.

Key highlights of the March session will include:

  • Understanding the current landscape of key behavioral health interstate licensure compacts and reciprocity agreements.
  • Exploring implementation challenges and success stories from states with existing interstate licensure agreements.
  • Discovering future trends and anticipated developments in interstate practice.

The Workforce Solutions Jam is a monthly webinar to build national momentum and encourage collaboration. It is hosted as a partnership between the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, The College for Behavioral Health Leadership and Health Management Associates.