National Council Congratulates Tom Hill on 2020 American Honors Recovery Award

National Council for Mental Wellbeing President and CEO Chuck Ingoglia today released the following statement on Tom Hill, a senior advisor at the National Council who was honored by Faces & Voices of Recovery. On Tuesday, September 22, Faces & Voices of Recovery will hold a virtual ceremony to honor its 2020 award recipients. Learn more and register to participate here.

“I want to congratulate Tom for receiving this prestigious 2020 American Honors Recovery Award. It’s difficult to identify anyone more deserving of this honor from Faces & Voices of Recovery. The William L. White Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award isn’t just an acknowledgement of Tom’s commitment to others through his service. It’s an acknowledgement of his own lived experience, which helps guide his thoughtful work and fuel his passion for the job he does with such grace.

“Of course, Tom is much more than a trusted senior advisor at the National Council. He’s a friend to me and to so many others at this organization, so we’re deeply gratified to see Tom receive this well-deserved recognition.”

About The National Council

Founded in 1969, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing is a membership organization that drives policy and social change on behalf of over 3,100 mental health and substance use treatment organizations and the more than 10 million children, adults and families they serve. We advocate for policies to ensure access to high-quality services. We build the capacity of mental health and substance use treatment organizations. And we promote greater understanding of mental wellbeing as a core component of comprehensive health and health care. Through our Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) program, we have trained more than 4 million people in the U.S. to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges.