This roadmap provides local and state health departments with information, resources and tools to implement effective strategies to support linking people who are at risk of opioid overdose to care.
OVERDOSE RESPONSE AND LINKAGE TO CARE: A Roadmap for Health DepartmentsPublic Health
Despite increased focus on mental health and substance use challenges in the public health sector, there remains a lack of formal training for building professional competencies across public health agencies.
Additional education and training must be tailored to, and based on, the experiences and activities of the existing workforce. We provide dynamic programming to build public health’s capacity for addressing mental health and substance use challenges.
Integrating MAUD Into Palliative CareApr 8, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Providing palliative care to individuals with a history of alcohol use or alcohol use disorder (AUD) requires understanding the various characteristics, comorbidities, impacts and treatments for AUD, including medications for AUD (MAUD).Up to 28% of inpatient palliative care patients have experienced challenges with alcohol use, and…
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Alcohol use during pregnancy: Prevention, treatment, reportingApr 29, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is the most common substance use disorder for pregnant and parenting women in the U.S., and it has one of the lowest rates of treatment uptake. In a 2018-2020 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost 14% of pregnant women ages 18-49…
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