About Us

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing, through the National Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions grant award from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), is the home of the newest evidence-based resources, tools and support for organizations working to integrate primary and behavioral health care.
Our team of experts in organizational readiness, integrated care models, workforce & clinical practice, health & wellness, and financing & sustainability are ready to partner with you to create a customized approach to advance integrated care and health outcomes.
Our Partners

School-Based Health Alliance

CCBHC-E National Training and Technical Assistance Center
Our Team
Brie Reimann, MPA Assistant Vice President, Practice Improvement and Consulting National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Alicia Kirley, MBA Sr. Director, Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Paula Zaremba, MHS Project Manager, Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions
Victoria Pauline, MPH Project Manager, Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions
Whitney Serebour, MHIM Project Coordinator, Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions
Farren Keyser, MA Project Coordinator, Center of Excellence for Integrated Health Solutions National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Our Subject Matter Experts and Consultants
Henry Chung, MD Albert Einstein College of Medicine