988 Playbook for Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder ProvidersApr 20, 2022
Download Temporarily UnavailableSAMHSA, in co-sponsorship with NASMHPD, convened with national partners across critical working sectors involved with 988 to help advance 988 planning efforts at the state and local levels. These national-level meetings brought together states, territories, and tribes; crisis contact centers; public safety answering points; and behavioral health providers…
988: Reaching Its Full PotentialDec 2, 2022
Establishment of the 988 number is an important transition from the current 10-digit number of the Lifeline. It serves as the point of entry – the front door – to a larger continuum of care. But it is just the beginning; work must continue to build out a broader crisis…
Public Policy -
A Clinical Instrument to Guide Brief Interventions for Adolescents With Substance Use ConcernsApr 13, 2022
Mary M. Ramos, Teddy Warner, Daisy V. Rosero, & Timothy P. CondonRamos et al. explore the CHISPA (Cocaine, Heroin, IV drugs, Synthetic Pot, Pot, Alcohol) screening instrument which was developed to gather specific information on recent substance use experience to inform brief interventions for adolescents with positive CRAFFT screens. In…
Hilton SUP Resource -
A compilation of essays by individuals supported by Medication-Assisted Treatment in long-term recoveryApr 1, 2021Integrated Health CoE Resource
A Decade of Integrated Pediatric Behavioral Health- Taking Prenatal-Adolescent Programming to ScaleMar 30, 2020Integrated Health CoE Resource
A Framework to Integrating Young Peers in Recovery Into Adolescent Substance Use Prevention and Early InterventionApr 13, 2022
Kristen L. Paquette, Laura A. Pannella Winn, Catriona M. Wilkey, Kathleen N. Ferreira, & Laura Rose W. DoneganWhile SBIRT has emerged as a promising public health framework and there is a growing body of research to support its use with adolescents, healthcare settings, schools, and community-based settings are slow to…
Hilton SUP Resource -
A Guide to Building Collaborative Mental Health Care Partnerships in Pediatric Primary CareApr 1, 2021Integrated Health CoE Resource
A Guidebook of Professional Practices for Behavioral Health and Primary Care IntegrationApr 1, 2021Integrated Health CoE Resource